ADLaM: Alphabet Book Designed by Mook Phoungbut

ADLaM: Alphabet Book

Today, the ADLaM alphabet is used by over 40 million people in West Africa and around the world. But that wasn’t always the case…

ADLaM began as a childhood dream of two young brothers from Guinea. Abdoulaye and Ibrahima Barry grew up speaking Pulaar (the native tongue of the Fula people) but not writing it. For centuries it was a spoken language with no alphabet.

The Barry brothers dedicated their lives to changing that. They created letters, systems, typography and eventually literacy programs where their alphabet could be taught and learned.

This book is a book designed to be just one more step in realizing their life-long dream of bringing literacy to the Fulani people through the alphabet they spent their entire lives making.

ADLaM Alphabet Book
ADLaM Alphabet Book
ADLaM Alphabet Book
ADLaM Alphabet Book
ADLaM Alphabet Book

The Classroom


Shayne Millington — Chief Creative Officer
Cristina Reina — EVP, Global Executive Creative Director
Pete Johnson — EVP, Global Executive Creative Director
Mook Phoungbut — Design Director
Chocho Han — Designer
Malik Dupree — Junior Designer