Australian Open

Lock downs, shutdowns and let-downs: it’s been a real downer. Every major event has been cancelled, postponed or compromised.

There’s a new year coming. A clean slate. A chance to connect with the world again, in ways we’ve never experienced. And the first major global event, is the 2022 Australian Open. Now is the time to do something – dare we say it – unprecedented. Because more than ever, the world is open to new possibilities. And the new design system was created for Open the Open campaign.

Australian Open: Open the Open Campaign. Designed by Mook
Australian Open: Open the Open Campaign. Designed by Mook
Australian Open: Open the Open Campaign. Designed by Mook
Australian Open: Open the Open Campaign. Designed by Mook
Australian Open: Open the Open Campaign. Designed by Mook
Open the Open Social posts Designed by Mook Phoungbut